The Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group cooked and distributed 220 portions of food at its Christmas charity event. The most needy people from the capital's parishes, who would otherwise never have access to such a festive meal, were invited to the Church of the Hungarian Saints in Budapest.

Zsolt Nyitrai, Chief Adviser to the Prime Minister, also took part in the cooking and distribution of food. Nyitrai Zsolt, a miniszterelnök főtanácsadója is.

“It is important to bow down to the fallen: not only do we donate money to them, but we ourselves cook and distribute food for them, and then sit down with them on a bench so that they feel that we are brothers.“
- said the spiritual leader of the foundation, who preached together with the director of the Caritas Hungary, Gábor Écsy, after the morning's joint cooking.

The lunch and joint prayer will be followed by a cultural event, the performers of which - including Denise Radó, György Nádas, Tunyogi Bernadett and Armand Kautzky - have all agreed to participate in the program for free in order to create a real festive atmosphere in the Infopark church.

The leader of the Parliamentary Prayer Group also recalled that when two of their fellow representatives were very ill during the coronavirus pandemic, together with 56 participants, they organized a 0-24-hour continuous prayer chain for them.
“They almost gave up on them, so when they did overcome the killer disease, the doctors themselves said that a miracle had happened.“
- revealed Imre Vejkey, adding: common prayers can have such incredible power. András Aradszki and Gábor Bányai, who were seriously ill at the time, have fully recovered since and were able to return to their parliamentary work.