Cardinal Péter Erdő honored the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group with his participation at its 133rd prayer breakfast.
In his celebratory speech Imre Vejkey, leader of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group, expressed his gratitude to the Cardinal for accepting the invitation. In his introductory thoughts, Mr. Vejkey recommended the teachings of the prophet Isaiah to the attention of the participants, who advises us to do all our actions for the glory of the Lord.
The words of the daily Gospel (Luke 10; 1-16) were introduced this time by the Cardinal, who shared the story of the sending out of the 72 disciples of Jesus Christ with those present. The disciples were given the task of spreading the Lord's message in the world as a guide. "I am sending you out as lambs among wolves", says the message about the difficulties faced by the disciples, thus emphasizing that whoever follows their path takes on the most difficult task.
As a message, the Cardinal stated that it is the common task of all Christians to authentically transmit the Lord's message as a believer and thereby set a moral example for others. Several of the prayer group members spoke, sharing their thoughts about the words of the Gospel.
Dr. György Bakondi, the Chairman Emeritus of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation, emphasized that the first step in sharing Christ's teaching is for the Lord to call us by name and call us, and then we do His will.
Róbert Szendrei, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation, spoke about the parallel between the called disciples and the 72 nations in the history of creation. According to this, the task of every Christian nation is to follow and share Christ's teaching.