Festive prayer breakfast in Esztergom

The Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group held an outdoor prayer breakfast on August 15 in Esztergom.

King St. Stephen provided the opportunity for the special occasion, because he recommended the country to the grace of the Virgin Mary on this day. The unusual festive event - thanks to the donation of László L. Simon, director of the Hungarian National Museum - started in the Castle Chapel, where Imre Vejkey, the leader of the Prayer Group, shared the daily Gospel message (Luke 1; 39-56) with the participants. In the person and life of the mother of Jesus, we can admire how God's saving plan for man is realized. God calls all people to heaven, because he created man and gives life as a gift in order to enliven us with his love and lead us to eternal love, to salvation.

The invited guest of the prayer breakfast was Mijo Barada, who regularly holds highly successful spiritual exercises in Croatia and Hungary. In his reflection, he spoke about the protection and sanctity of life, which must be protected from the moment of conception. As the father of four happy children, he shared his personal and intimate experiences with the participants of the prayer group, in which he also presented the story of his own family. Despite the trials and illnesses that befell him and his family members, he steadfastly stood by his faith, which he considers the Lord's greatest gift.

The celebratory prayer breakfast ended with the High Priest's Mass held in the Esztergom Basilica, which was celebrated by Cardinal Péter Erdő.

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