The Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group visited Bucharest

The Romanian Parliamentary Prayer Group held its annual national prayer breakfast on October 31, 2023 in the building of the Romanian Parliament, entitled "Christian Identity and Political Leadership". The Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group was also invited to the prayer breakfast. Members of the delegation of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group were László Teleki, Márk Aurél Érszegi, Ádám Szesztay, and Péter Hartner.

The Prayer Breakfast was hosted by the President of the Prayer Group, Member of Parliament Mircea Roșca. Members of the various Romanian parliamentary parties from both houses of the legislature, as well as representatives of the Romanian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, and Lutheran religious denominations, spoke at the event that hosted approximately 400 people. The common denominator of the presentations and speeches was the emphasis on Romania's Christian identity and the importance of displaying Christian values in political life.

Aurél Márk Érszegi spoke on behalf of the delegation of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group, interpreting the greeting of the leader of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group, Imre Vejkey. He also pointed out that the Christian values mentioned in the prayer breakfast are also important for Hungary, and that they provide a suitable basis for the Hungarian–Romanian cooperation for the sake of Christian Europe, for which we are ready on the Hungarian side.

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