Magnus Macfarlane–Barrow visited the Parliament

On November 29, 2023, Magnus Macfarlane–Barrow, the founder and head of the Scottish charity organization Mary's Meals, visited the Parliament as a guest of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group.

The special guest was greeted by Imre Vejkey, the leader of the prayer group, and foundation chair Katalin Tóth at the usual location of the prayer breakfast. In his festive greeting, Imre Vejkey expressed his great appreciation for the charitable organization's self–sacrificing work, which provides more than 2.4 million needy children with regular daily school meals throughout the year, thus also contributing to their education.

In his introduction, Imre Vejkey spoke about the founding of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group, as well as the tasks, goals and successes related to its operation. As he said, the purpose of the prayer group from the beginning was to represent Christian values above denominations and parties. He considered it a success that the prayer group currently consists of members of several denominations and parliamentary factions. He emphasized that the representation of Christian values is also important in political life. In this regard, he singled out the Fundamental Law of Hungary, which enshrines basic Christian values, as an example. Finally, the leader explained that the goals of the prayer group include, among other things, supporting the creation of new prayer groups in Hungary, of which there have already been several examples. In addition, supporting the needy is also an extremely important task. To this end, the prayer group organizes Christmas food distribution.

The introduction and friendly conversation ended with a short tour of the Parliament, followed by a Rosary prayed together.

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