The Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group visited Brussels

The delegation of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group visited Brussels, where it participated in the two-day event of the European Prayer Breakfast.

Before the event, the Hungarian delegation was received by Dr. Iván Tamás Kovács, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, as part of an introductory visit. In her introduction, the Chair of the prayer group's Board of Trustees, Dr. Katalin Tóth, explained the foundation's main goals and daily operations, as well as briefly reported on this year's main events.

More than 300 people took part in the European Prayer Breakfast, now organized for the 26th time. At the event, in addition to prayer group members from different countries, members of the European Parliament, diplomats, politicians, businessmen and representatives of charity organizations prayed together for peace. The main message of the prayer breakfast was the following: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). The event was hosted by Mr. Lukas Mandl and Ms. Catharina Rinzema, members of the European Parliament. In their celebratory opening speech, they welcomed the hundreds of participants and also emphasized that the prayer breakfast - regardless of political affiliation - is meant to protect and promote Christian values.

After the common prayer breakfast, panel discussions took place in the European Parliament building. Among the advocates was Dr. Kinga Joó, a member of the National Association of Large Families. During the panel discussion on the demographic problems of European countries and the role of Christian families in them, the participants repeatedly highlighted the successes of the Hungarian family policy in their individual speeches, which can serve as an example for other European countries.

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