Romanian Secretary of State for Church Affairs Ciprian-Vasili Olinici visited the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group with the help of the permanent Hungarian member of the Romanian Parliamentary Prayer Group, Ödön Szabó, a member of the Romanian Hungarian Democratic Union (RMDSZ).
The contact and the invitation to Hungary were initiated by Miklós Soltész, a member of parliament, the Prime Minister's State Secretary responsible for church and ethnic relations, in the framework of which a meeting with the leadership of the prayer group could also take place. The special occasion further strengthened Romanian and Hungarian relations, as in November 2023, a four-member delegation of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group was invited and participated in the parliamentary prayer breakfast in Bucharest. Representatives of the Romanian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal and Lutheran religious denominations also spoke at the event with more than 400 participants.
Emeritus Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation, Dr. György Bakondi greeted the special guests and then spoke about the creation of the foundation and the main challenges of the period since then. After that, he presented the daily operation of the prayer group and its set goals. He emphasized the importance of regular prayer breakfasts, where members - regardless of party or denomination - can pray together.
Mr. Emeritus Chair of the Board of Trustees also spoke about the unusual occasions and spiritual exercises through which the participants have the opportunity to delve deeper into the teachings of the Gospel. In his speech, he talked about the main domestic events and charity events that have taken place so far, as well as the ever-widening international relationship system, which includes the growing dialogue between Hungarian and Romanian Christians.
State Secretary Mr. Olinici gladly accepted the invitation, for which he expressed his gratitude. In his answer, he praised the activities of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group, and then briefly explained the operation of the Romanian prayer group. Finally, he expressed his hope for dialogue and cooperation between the prayer groups.