The two-member delegation of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group - Dr. Róbert Szendrei, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation, and prayer group member Márk Aurél Érszegi - participated with nearly 500 guests at the National Day of Prayer and Fasting that was organized for the second time, held at the Washington Bible Museum.
The Hungarian delegation was also invited to a private reception held at the Capitol Hill Club the day before the event. The Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group was invited to the event by Reverend Dr. Jim Garlow, the pastor of Republican representatives and senators, and the newly elected president of the United States Congress, Mike Johnson. Last fall, the reverend personally visited Budapest, where he and his wife visited the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group.
The National Day of Prayer and Fasting is a soul-lifting, ecumenical service. At the event, along with Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, forty congressmen and senators made short speeches. Afterwards, forty church leaders prayed together, followed by sermons by Rabbi Jonathan Chan, Tony Perkins, President of Family Research, and Reverend Dr. Jim Garlow. On the Hungarian side, Trisztán Azbej, head of the State Secretariat for Helping Persecuted Christians, and the Washington ambassador Takács Szabolcs also participated in the event.
The event also provided an opportunity for bilateral meetings with Republican senators and representatives. In the framework of this, a friendly conversation took place with, among others, Congress representatives Marry Miller, Randy K. Weber and Tracey Mann, as well as Senator James Lankford, who were invited by members of the Hungarian delegation to visit Hungary.
It was a pleasant feeling to experience that the Republican legislators spoke about Hungary with appreciation, respect and love during the entire event. Congresswoman Michelle Bachman, former presidential candidate, leader of the Tea Party movement, rector of Regent University, prayed for our country together with the Hungarian delegation. At the end of the service, Steve Green, the founder and owner of the Washington Bible Museum, personally introduced the wonderful museum, with whom the delegation also managed to establish a friendly relationship and Christian brotherly cooperation.