157th Prayer Breakfast

The 157 th prayer breakfast of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group took place on May 14, 2024. Imre Vejkey, the leader of the prayer group, opened the pre-Pentecost event with a part from the Acts of the Apostles, in which the conversion of the Apostle Paul is mentioned.

A történet szerint Saul teljesen felszámolta korábbi életét, majd egészen az Úrnak szentelte magát. Amint csökkent benne az önös érdek, úgy teljesedhetett ki benne Isten akarata. Vejkey Imre úgy fogalmazott, hogy – Pálhoz hasonlóan – az Úr választ ki mindannyiunkat, és egyéni feladatot ad nekünk. A kérdés az, hogy meghalljuk-e a hívását? Az imádság mellett fontos, hogy tetteinkkel is szolgáljuk Őt. Ha vétkezünk, az engesztelés által kell újra közelséget, kapcsolatot teremtenünk Vele, ahogyan Ő is megtette az első lépést felénk az által, hogy kiválasztott bennünket.

Dr. György Bakondi, Chair Emeritus of the Board of Trustees, said that the apostles were warriors who were filled with the Holy Spirit and even accepted death for their faith. Apostle Paul's life journey full of challenges, tragedies and difficulties teaches us that we can find God even in our moments of crisis and in our most difficult decisions. Therefore, following the example of the apostles, we too must undertake and fulfill the task imposed on us by the Lord in our lives, despite the difficulties, and we ourselves must become apostles.

According to prayer group member Gábor Móczár, Apostles Peter and Paul are role models for standing up after failure, whose actions teach us that we always have the opportunity to renew ourselves in life. Initial unbelief can be transformed into real, living faith in us if we steadfastly follow the path the Lord has set for us. The best example of renewal in faith is the apostle Thomas, who, despite his initial unbelief, reached the farthest of Jesus' disciples, all the way to India, by preaching the word of the Lord.

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