On December 7, 2024, the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group organized a traditional Advent charity event. After Budapest and Pécs, this year the event took place in Kerecsen. Péter Palkovics, member of the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation, member of the prayer group, and also the representative of the Heves County Municipality actively contributed to the organization of the cooking and food distribution. The organizers prepared and distributed hot food to 50 needy people in the canteen of the Kerecsend.
According to the official program, at 11:30 a.m. the students of the Magyary Károly Primary School in Kerecsend delighted the audience with their show, followed by the distribution of food and a joint lunch. Imre Vejkey, leader of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation, expressed his gratitude to the prayer group members and local contributors who participated in the organization of the event and attended. Member of Parliament and also prayer group member Mónika Bartos, prayer group members Csaba János Tóth and Ádám Berniczei-Roykó participated in the event, as well as Róbert Szendrei, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation.