158th Prayer Breakfast
The 158th prayer breakfast of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group took place on June 4, 2024. Dr. Katalin Tóth, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation opened the event.
The 158th prayer breakfast of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group took place on June 4, 2024. Dr. Katalin Tóth, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation opened the event.
The 157 th prayer breakfast of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group took place on May 14, 2024. Imre Vejkey, the leader of the prayer group, opened the pre-Pentecost event with a part from the Acts of the Apostles, in which the conversion of the Apostle Paul is mentioned.
The Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group was invited to the Austrian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. The Hungarian delegation included Dr. Katalin Tóth, Chair of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation, Dr. Ádám Berniczei–Roykó, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group Foundation and prayer group member Márk Aurél Érszegi at the two-day event.
The Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group held an outsourced prayer breakfast in Esztergom, in the chapel of St. Adalbert Center on May 10, 2024.
On the initiative of Zoltán Szebellédi, Chair of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) of Békés county, the Békés County Prayer Breakfast was established on May 8, 2024 in the Baptist Church of Békéscsaba.
2024. április 26–án, a 154. parlamenti imareggeli alkalmával görög–katolikus testvéreket fogadott a Magyar Parlamenti Imacsoport.
2024. április 22–én a dél–afrikai Szolidaritási Mozgalom (Solidarity Movement) öt tagból álló delegációja járt a Magyar Parlamenti Imacsoportnál.
2024. április 9–én a Magyar Parlamenti Imacsoport megtartotta 152. imareggelijét.
2024. március 28–án a Magyar Parlamenti Imacsoport megtartotta 151. imareggelijét. Az eseményt Nagycsütörtök alkalma is különlegessé tette, amelyen az imacsoporti tagok a Jeruzsálemi Szent Sír Lovagrend tagjaival együtt imádkozhattak.
On March 22, 2024, the Hungarian Parliamentary Prayer Group held its 150th prayer breakfast.